Arduino, Processing & sketching in Java

For this one, we wanted to try create a sketch again in processing and arduino than ran in Java. To do this we had to do it in different steps.


Step 1

First we had to set up the sketch in processing.


After this we could begin to draw in Java using our mouse. From using the code we had, this created a black background with a green thick line.



By changing some basic code, we could personalise the sketch to have the appearance we wanted. To make it look like a classic etch e sketch, we changed the background to white, the pen to black, and made the line thinner.

Testing-0683 Testing-0684


Step 2

In the next step we had to add a button to control the drawing. To do this we had to build an Arduino circuit that included a tactile button.




We then had to build the code in Arduino and upload it. We then had to test out that this was working the way it needed to between the circuit and the code. To do this we ran the code and what we got was a continuous line of data from the arduino. When the button was pressed you can see the data from from 1 to 0.





Once this was done and tested, we then moved on to coding the processing. This code was given to us, and therefore we didn’t have to figure it out ourselves.
HOWEVER, as like the last experiment, we could figure out hoe to get the processing code to link to the Arduino.


This is still be tested now however, and is a work in progress.


Arduino, processing & Etch E SKetch

For the next experiment we wanted to make it more direct at our actual project aim. Therefore we decided to try and conduct the process of creating an etch e sketch through processing.

This is done by creating a circuit that contain to potentiometers. These had to be wired so that one analog was at port A0, on at 5V and one in the ground.



Once this was wired we open the example code created by arduino called Standard Firmata and uploaded it to our arduino board. we had to run this to get the max and minimum numbers of the potentiometers fro the processing code. This worked fine!


We then had to open up the code in processing, This was done by copying the sketch from the example below.


Once we rant his though we got the frame of the etch e sketch, but did not get the lines coming through from the arduino itself.


This is a problem with the processing connecting to the arduino.



Arduino, Processing a conductive paint

For our next experiment we began to start building code through Arduino and processing.

This involved firstly creating a simply circuit that connected with the board to the right inputs.

Then by simply copying code into Arduino, uploading it and running it you can see if the circuit is correct.


By uploading code from the Arduino processing download, it creates code that works with arduino.

From this we managed to create a circuit that has 2 inputs, a potentiometer and a photo-resistor. When the potentiometer was moved from left to right, the line on the screen moved to. When the photo-resistor was touched, the lines changed colour.

Once we have completed this, we then tried removing the potentiometer and added in the conductive paint. This was wired so that one end of the paint would equal the lowest value of the potentiometer and vice versa on the other side of the paint strip.

At first this was less reactive, however once we got going it began to work just as well.


Potentiometer Arduino & Conductive paint test

we wanted to begin exploring using paint as a sensor in creating data. By following this tutorial we created our own version.





Instead of using the the jumper wires that goes in A0 to touch the sensor, we held the end with one hand, whilst using the other hand to run along the circuit. This worked better than when we tried doing it directly with the wire.

Whilst this means that the paint can be interacted with directly using touch, it still require the A0 jumper wire to be held. Therefore finding a way to do this that is more efficient, or an alternative was is needed.


We also tried doing this same application but in a different shape.

12755297_10156572879660287_1908864435_o 12752152_10156572879795287_623270835_o


This could be applied when looking at the idea of creating an etch a sketch using the paint and arduino both concept and design of it)

Test 1 – simple circuit with conductive paint


In order to decide if we want and can use conductive paint for our project we clearly had to test it first. So we bought 10ml of paint and Clive provided the electronic components. Since non of us have ever used the paint before we created the simplest circuit possible.

(insert sketch)

making the board is quite easy. Essentially one replaces the wires with the paint. The dryer the pain, the better it works. As you can (hopefully) see on the picture we left three gaps in the circuit: one for the battery, one for the LED and one to be able to place a switch/button for later modifications.


The paint had to dry for about 15min. To see if it work in the first place we connected the gap for the button with some wire to close the circuit. It did work. We then replaced the wire with a button and sure enough it also worked with the button. Clive not only provided the equipment but also guided us through the basics of electronics.


We also built other circuits that theoretically should have worked but did not (except for powering LED’s again which you can see below). This could be for two reasons. 1. The paint was sill to wet, because we were impatient and did not let it dry long enough or 2. The paint had too much resistance in it so that it was to week to send a signal.




Video Examples

First Circuit; By simply replacing the wires with the paint, it meant that a circuit could be competed. Therefore we can see the light working when battery power is applied. 


Second Circuit; We created a new circuit that used the Ardino board, paint and 2 LED lights. By creating shorter wire replacements with the paint it meant the circuit was more powerful. Therefore we were able to light up to 2 lights.