Arduino, Processing a conductive paint

For our next experiment we began to start building code through Arduino and processing.

This involved firstly creating a simply circuit that connected with the board to the right inputs.

Then by simply copying code into Arduino, uploading it and running it you can see if the circuit is correct.


By uploading code from the Arduino processing download, it creates code that works with arduino.

From this we managed to create a circuit that has 2 inputs, a potentiometer and a photo-resistor. When the potentiometer was moved from left to right, the line on the screen moved to. When the photo-resistor was touched, the lines changed colour.

Once we have completed this, we then tried removing the potentiometer and added in the conductive paint. This was wired so that one end of the paint would equal the lowest value of the potentiometer and vice versa on the other side of the paint strip.

At first this was less reactive, however once we got going it began to work just as well.


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